Monday, February 13, 2012

Movie Questions

Why do you think Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus?  What makes them different from the other people who lived in Nazareth? Girls, if you were Mary, how would you feel to be in her position, to be looked down upon and considered as someone who committed adultery? Boys, if you were Joseph, would you be as forgiving and accepting to your wife, even if an angel never appeared to you? How would you handle the situation?


  1. they were chosen to be the parents of Jesus because they were highly favored and the Lord is with them. They have found favor with God. They were different as they heard the words from God, and they were the parents of human's Savior--Jesus. If i were Mary, i would feel embarrassed , but since it is the words from God, i would continue to complete my mission from God.

  2. I think they were chosen because God knew Mary would obey, and that Joseph would believe in Mary. The other people in Nazareth had doubt. Yes, I would forgive my imaginary wife. :D

    I'd handle it by just believing.

  3. God chose Mary and Joseph to be the parents of Jesus, because they were believe in God, and favored God. They have good personalities to be parents of the Savior. If I was Joseph, I would be shocked. To be honest, it would be hard for me to believe that the baby was inside Mary was the Son of God. I love her, so I would not let people stone her to dead, but I would never forgive her.

  4. I think that Mary and Joseph were chosen because of fate. God already knew the plan of what He is going to do and who to choose. What makes them different i would say is there relationship and faith towards God. If i was Joseph i would first be confused at the situation and a mad, but i guess i cant get mad forever for something God has planned for us.

  5. I think they were chosen because they showed favor in God, and they had strong faith in Him...they were probably the only ones who could endure such events...believing in what seemed impossible, and being able to handle the people and rumors that went around about them. They were obviously different from the other people who lived in Nazareth because the Lord had a special plan for them, for Mary to bare the Son of God through the Holy Spirit. The angel also came to them in both of their dreams explaining the whole thing about how the Messiah is to be born and to not be afraid-- something that didn't happen to the other people. Honestly, if I was Mary... i would feel depressed because everyone would be looking at me differently, and rumors would be spreading about how i committed adultery and this and that..i would also feel discouraged because no one would believe my side to the story, what really happened; and is to come because of it.

  6. Joseph and Mary were humble. They were chosen because God could show that a powerful man could come out of a poor and unknown family. They had faith. If I were Joseph, I would be very confused. I would take time to ask God and trust Him. I would still love her and forgive her even if I had no evidence. Again, I would handle the situation by having faith in God and being patient.

  7. God doesn't look at the outside appearance but the heart. Mary & Joseph may not be rich or popular, but they were humble, good, and trusted God. So, He chose them to be the earthly parents of His Son.

    If I was Mary, I would be surprised and honored to know that I was chosen. But at the same time, I would be lonely and sad. Because everyone will look at me in a negative way and they would avoid/ignore me. And I would have a bad reputation. But at least Joseph believes me (after the angel talks to him).

  8. Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus because they believed in God and looked in faith at God. They favored God and believed God was always with them. They also had perfect obedience from the pure hearts to God. That's why they can have good personalities and set up good examples to teir son. If I were Mary, I would be very unhappy and embarrased, and at first I would maybe feel I've been wronged. But then I would understand and obey the things chosen by God for me to do. And I would still follow God's words and believed in him.

  9. Mary and Joseph were probably chosen to be the parents of Jesus because God knew their hearts. He knew that they were full of virtue, humble, sincere, and that they would believe and trust in God in how He is going to use them for His purpose. God knew that they would handle the situation the way He wanted them to by His strength. Their faith in God and their preparedness for His word made them different from the rest of the people in Nazareth. Another characteristic that I think made them different from the other people was their simplicity in life and their total dependence on God. They were chosen and appointed to have the responsibility of being the earthly parents of the Son of God and man, the One who will wash away our sins with His blood. They, with the help of the Holy Spirit, were to build the foundation of Jesus’ love and beliefs solely on God. If I were Mary, I would be frightened about the possibility of being stoned on the streets for being wrongly accused of committing adultery. But God would help me through the situation. I would tell God that whatever happens to me at that point would be in His will and glory. And He will take away my fear.

  10. I think Joseph and Mary were chosen to be the parents of Jesus because God knew that they would believe Him when He told them that the Messiah would be their child. I think they're different from the other people in Nazareth because they had faith in God. And also, because they were chosen by God to be the parents of Jesus. If I were Joseph, I would probably eventually forgive her, and accept it even without evidence. It would be difficult, sure, but I'd do it. I would handle the situation by trusting what she said even if the other people looked down on me.

  11. Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus because they did the right thing before God, in the right manner, and God knew them could overcome hardships when they were the parents of Jesus. They could understand and obey the Word of God in the right way so they were different. I would feel very discouraged if I was in Mary's position. However, God is always with us so that I think I can overcome with God's help.

  12. They are chosen because they highly believed in God, Mary would do whatever God had told her to do, Joseph was a good guy, God knew he would forgive Mary ... However, if i was Joseph, and the angel did not appear to tell me about the Holy Spirit, I would never forgive for Mary ... I would not choose to kill her but told her to go away from the village and never come back.

  13. I think God chose Mary and Joseph is because they both have a good virtue and follow God. Other people who lived in Nazareth did not put all their faith on God when they think that Mary was not fill up with holy spirit but truly adultery. I would depressed and gave up easily if I was in Mary position. I think it's hard to ignore how's people think of you and talk about you.

  14. i believe every decisions by God. i believe Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus thats because God knew Mary and Joseph are humble, sincere. that could be best choice let them to be parents of Jesus. If i were Joseph. i believe that God, but i could be doubt about Mary. Actually, if i were thinking about that, God must help me to get right because Joseph was chosen by God. than, i will accept her to my wife.

  15. I think God chose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus' parents because God clearly knew about them and God believe in them. Mary and Joseph are believing in Jesus and will follow in Jesus. If I am in Mary's position, I think I won't be as brave as her, I might give up, try to tell everyone the truth or try to leave where people can't find me. But I will still pray to God and ask for his help, so that people won't do bad things for me.

  16. Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus because of the will of God. God had a special plan for them and He knew He could count on them. He knew they were the perfect people to be the parents of Jesus and to carry out His will. They were both faithful, righteous, and loved God. Mary and Joseph were definitely different from the other people who lived in Nazareth. They were chosen specifically by God to do His will and had found favor with God. God sent them messages. Angels came to them in their dreams and told them that Mary would give birth to the Son of God. If I were Mary, being looked down upon and being considered as someone who committed adultery would not be a good feeling. We would feel terrified of the possibilities of being stoned on the streets and aware of the rumors going around about committing adultery. In this situation, we should remember that God is always with us. We should believe in God and love Him.

    -Nicole Lin, Per.2

  17. God believed Mary and Joseph, He could look through them and see their faith to Him. They were chosen to be parent of Jesus as God's will. Mary and Joseph are the one right couple to be chosen because they were diffrent from others in Nazareth. They love God, follow God and carried by God's graceful love.
    If i were Mary, i might not act like her, she is wonderfully faithful to God and God's command. As a girl, she is so brave to stand for being committd adultery. If i were her, i would stand for myself first, but not carry God's will.
    Mary has set an example for us. We'd better look to her and try to be like her, who love God and would always like to give herself to God.

  18. The reason why God chosed Mary and Joseph was because they both believe in God firmly.This can tell when the angle told Mary she is going to deliverd the son of God without being with a man,when Joseph was willing to stand with Mary when he is told by the angle.God knows they can handle the situation.
    If I were Mary,I may be afaid at first and do not know what to do,but at last I think I will accept God's will and stand strong to igonre others' words.

  19. Obviously,God chose Mary and Joseph because they had complete favor with God. They were obedient, respectful, FAITHFUL people. They believed in the impossible, that a virgin could conceive a son through the holy spirit. God had a special plan for them. If I were Mary, I'd probably break down and not know what to do because the people around me would never believe me. I'd be considered as an adulterer, I wouldn't want to be called that. Its amazing how Mary still didn't doubt God and ignored the rumors and people around her.

  20. Jessica Correa:: I think mary and joseph were chosen because god had plans for them mary and joseph believed in God,what makes them different from the other people is that everyone believed that mary committed adultery so they look down on her they believe she committed a sin. if people looked down on me i wouldn't think much of it. as long as i knew i was doing the right thing and God had plans for me i wouldn't care what everyone else thought.

  21. God knew that they were truly faithful to him and that he could trust them. He saw good in their hearts and he knew they would be good parents to Jesus. If i was Mary I would've tried to pray to God every second until someone (like Joseph) would believe me. I would stay strong with God by my side but I do think that there's a possibility that I would give up and go back to Elizabeth. Mary never gave up, she stayed strong the whole way and thankfully Joseph too.

  22. I think that Mary and Joseph were chosen to be Jesus' parents because they had a very strong faith in God.They were different from all the other villagers in Nazareth because they are in tone with God. If I were to be Mary, I would be very scared, having everyone think I was lying about having the Holy Spirit conceive me with God's child.

  23. Mary and Joseph were humble and faithful to God. They obeyed his commands. When the angel appeared to Mary she didn't refuse but instead accepted her task humbly. Joesph was a descendant of David that is one of the reasons why he was chosen. If I was Joseph I would find it really hard to believe her but in the end I would accept it as the truth.

  24. I think God chosen Mary and Joseph to be parents of Jesus because they were believe god love god in faith of god. They know jesus is son of god. This is big mission. They want to doing this things best. If I were Mary. I feel very afraid. I don’t think so I can to be parents of jesus this is so big mission.

  25. I am a boy, so if I were Joseph, I probably won't forgiving my wife, if she was pregnant naturally. As a normal human, I have to face a issue that I have never seen it before, that's super crazy. I probably would leave my wife along, if she pregnant naturally. However, if an angel appeared to me, I knew what happened, the way I treat my wife would be different, because I knew what exactly happened, the situation would totally changed.

  26. I think God chose Mary because she is faithful in God. when angel came to her, she obeyed God. she was willing to bear that holy spirit. after joseph heard about mary was pregnant, he suffered pains, but he allowed this. and an angel came to him at night. he understand how much grace was in mary's baby. he also has faith in god. if i was mary, i may be fear, because i don't know what would happen next. but if i believe in God, i would have no fear anymore.

  27. Because they love god, following god and they both are good person, they can teach Jesus the good things. They do not even marry, but they already have a baby, he is the son of god. Yes, I will try my best to take care marry and the baby and teach the baby that how to be a good person. Ivan cheung

  28. I think that Mary and Joseph were chosen because they were responsible. Joseph was caring and always looked out for others, he also came from the line of king David. Mary was caring and she had so much faith in God. Together they would make great parents. They would care for Jesus and they would teach him about God. If I was Joseph I would be confused and I would debate weather to believe my wife but in the end I would.

  29. Mary & Joseph were chosen I think because they were one of the few people in Judea that would accept God's will. They are the kind of people that would automatically say, "LET IT BE DONE ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL" They not give any opposition to the Lord. That's why Joseph not knowing what would come of Mary's "fornicated child" he left to keep her alive. IF I were Joseph i would take her word for it and i would accept her word as the truth alone and confide in God that Mary was speaking the truth.

  30. Mary and Joseph were chosen by God , God chose Mary to bear Jesus because He saw that Mary was a faithful, loyal, wise woman and much more. The saw that Mary was a woman that would do His will under NO circumstances, there was no bounderies between her and her God. The Almighty knew that Mary would not refuse His will. Now Joseph was chosen to be Mary's husband for a great reason, so that he may understand and accept that will God had for Mary. Therefore he accepted Jesus as his child so that Mary would not be stoned to death. The Lord sent a dream to Joseph so that he'd may know that Jesus was made by the Holy Spirit, which God had put in Mary's womd. If I were Mary, I would do and think the same as her, confused at first but accpeting his will. She did not care what other people thought or who believed her or not, this is something I really admire from her, now this hard and in that very time in her shoes I dont know what I would do. he was an understanding man, and for this he too is a man to admire.

  31. First of all, I think Mary was chosen because she was a faithful believer and God knew that she would carry out the plan that God would set for her, and He choose Joseph because God knew that Mary would need a faithful partner that would take care of her and Jesus. And well i think that they were just really faithful to God! And being a girl, its always awful to have rumors that are untrue be spread about you. Its a really horrible feeling, because you know that you didn't do anything wrong, and people don't even know what they're talking about, but as long as I have God, i know that everything is going to be alright. And I'm sure Mary knew that God would take care of her because He wanted this plan to work. And a total uplifter would be one of my favorite verses.."I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" -Philippians 4;13

  32. I think Marry and Joseph were chosen by God because God knows they obey Him. The other Nazareth that will not obey God because they don't believe in God directly and they don't believe in those things that never appeared to them. If I were Joseph, I probably won't accept my wife that shows up like Marry. Honestly, I would obey God's will, but I still have a little bit scared of the things does not appeared to me. But after I read and learned story about Joseph and Marry. I will give myself a try and put all my heart into Jesus without any fear.

  33. Mary was chosen to carry Jesus in her womb because she faithfully trusted God with all her heart. She was also a virgin, meaning that she was pure. Joseph was chosen because he was a loyal and faithful man to not only Mary, but to God. As I try to step in Joseph's shoes, it would be hard to imagine how it would feel like to have a wife who was pregnant with a child who wasn't yours. I would feel betrayed and scarred, but hearing God's word, saying that the child Mary was carrying was the Son of God, I would feel better and comforted.
