Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Unit 4 Review Questions: Jesus and the Cross

Review Lessons 26-33 for True and False. You'll also want to especially know the 7 final statements of Jesus from Lesson 31.  

Below are all of the short answer questions that'll be on test tomorrow. You'll be allowed to use your Bibles. Post your comments below to help each other with the answers.  

Q. Explain how foot washing is an ordinance of humility. (2 points)

Q. Explain what the bread at the communion represents. (2 points)

Q. Explain what the wine at the communion represents. (2 points)

Q. List the role of the Holy Spirit from each of the following verses. (10 points)

John 14:16-17                               

Romans 8:26                      

John 16:13-15                       

Galatians 5:18                       

1 Corinthians 12:7                    

John 16:8-11                        

Q. Describe the struggle Jesus faced in the Garden of Gethsemane and how we can learn to deal with life’s struggles. (2 points)

Q. From the perspectives of John and Mary the mother of Jesus, write a brief monologue on how you think each thought and felt as Jesus was crucified. (4 points)

Q. What possible reason could explain why Mary and the two men on the road to Emmaus couldn’t initially recognize Jesus? (2 points)

Q. Pretend you’re giving a Bible study to a friend who knows nothing about Jesus. Explain and interpret to the best of your ability Philippians 2:5-8.  Compare with Isaiah 14:12-14 for extra credit. (4 points)

Q. What does Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection mean to you? (2 points)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Movie Review Questions

Answer the following questions about the movie and post your comments below.

What did you like or dislike about the movie?

What were some of the challenges John faced being a missionary in Tonga for nearly 3 years?

Would you ever consider being a missionary and why?

What do you think or feel God is calling you to do?

What things in your life would you have to sacrifice in order to do what God is calling you to do?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Unit 3 Review Questions

Here are the short answer questions that'll be on the test tomorrow. You'll be allowed to use your Bibles. However, I'm not providing the answers. You guys can comment below and help each other with the answers. 

Q. Explain why the people who were following Jesus wanted to make him king by force.  (3 points)

Q. When Peter said that Jesus was “the Christ.” Jesus responded by making three points. What were they? (3 points)

Q. Explain why the Jewish people were so unprepared for Jesus.  (2 points)

Q. What is one crucial way Christianity stands apart from all other religions? (2 points)

Q. What are the three categories of signs in Matthew 24 and give an example of each? (6 points)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Unit 2 Test Review: Jesus and His Kingdom

Q. Explain from Matthew 3:13-17 and Messiah Ch. 11 why Jesus was baptized.
To fulfill all righteousness. To set an example for us. 

Q. Explain from Romans 6:1-6 how baptism symbolizes the three major events that take place in our life. 
Death -> Being dipped into the water -> Died to sin
Marriage -> Being fully submerged in the water -> Commitment to Christ
Birth -> Being lifted up out of the water -> Being born again/a new life/new creation

Q. Describe the three changes in baptism that began to creep into Christian practice after the apostles had died.  
Being baptized in running water.
Being sprinkled with holy water.
Being dipped in the water 3 times. 

Q. Why was it important for Jesus to be tempted in the wilderness after 40 days? 
40 days = Testing
Jesus had to pass the test when he was at his weakest point before he could start his ministry. 

Q. The third temptation by Satan was the temptation of power. What were the first two temptations by Satan to Jesus in the wilderness?  
To jump off the temple -> Temptation of recklessness
To turn stones into bread -> Temptation of the easy path/self-gratification

Q. What are the three ways the gospel is proclaimed and from which three events?
Jesus' baptism -> Repeated message
Wedding at Cana -> Action is the message
Jesus in the temple -> Shouting is the message to get people's attention

Q. How can we tell the difference between God's miracles and those performed by Satan? 
Do they believe in Jesus? Faith in Jesus
Do they live according to God's law? Obedience
Is it based on the study of the Bible? Believe in the Bible

Monday, February 13, 2012

Movie Questions

Why do you think Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the parents of Jesus?  What makes them different from the other people who lived in Nazareth? Girls, if you were Mary, how would you feel to be in her position, to be looked down upon and considered as someone who committed adultery? Boys, if you were Joseph, would you be as forgiving and accepting to your wife, even if an angel never appeared to you? How would you handle the situation?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Unit 1 Test Review - Jesus and His World

Q. Why did God choose Canaan as a homeland for His people? 
Canaan was a crossroads, a sort of bridge between several continents.
It was a connecting link between 2 major civilizations of the ancient world - Egypt and Babylon/Persia.
Trade caravans traveled through Canaan.

Q. Why is it important for us to understand the failure of Israel? 
When we understand how Israel failed, we can understand not to repeat the same mistakes they did.

Q. Briefly describe the size of and daily life in Biblical Palestine.
Size -> small about the size of the states of Vermont or Maryland.
Daily Life - > houses built of packed earth easily destroyed by heavy rains.
                 - > one or two room houses with flat roots of baked bricks of mud.
                 - > no electric lighting, windows on one side.

Q. List the three reasons why Jesus came to this earth.
1. To reveal God, show us what God is like.
2. To save us from our sins, redeem the human race, die as our substitute.
3. To be our example.

Q. How is it that Jesus came at exactly the right time? 
Many nations united under one government and one language.
After coming to Jerusalem for yearly feasts, they could spree the news of the Messiah when returning home.
Men losing faith in heathen belief systems and searching for truth.

Q. What makes Christianity unique from Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, New Age and other religions around the world? 
Christianity is based on what god has already done for us in Jesus.
All these other religions offer a way of self-salvation.

Q. Explain how we are made alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. 
We are made alive in Christ because of his great love for us.
He is rich in mercy and it is by grace we are saved.

Q. What are we saved from? 
Sin and the wrath of God against it.

Q. Explain how God's wrath is an essential part of His love. 
His anger is not direct at people but at the sin they commit. Sin is destructive and God want sot purge sin from humanity. In love, God always warns people before demonstrating His wrath.

Q. Explain the idea of righteousness by faith
It is not our faith that makes us righteous. We put our faith in Christ, and He is our righteousness.

Q. Explain the meaning behind the story of the uplifted serpent in Numbers 21:4-9
Israel rebelled against God and they were bitten by venomous snakes. They turned to Moses in repentance. If any Israelite wanted to live, there had to look to the uplifted snake. So in the same way we have all been bitten by a deadly serpent. The venom is within. And just as Moses lifted up that bronze serpent, so Jesus declares He must be lifted up on His cross in the likeness of sin-cursed humanity, but having no sin within.

Q. Explain why God didn't give the commandments to the Israelites while they were still slaves in Egypt. 
He heard their cry for deliverance and brought them out of bondage first. He initiated and acted first by delivering them from Egypt. They became a redeemed people and in response to what God did, the Israelites would live but the commandments given to them.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie Questions Review Part 2

What lessons did you learn from the life of Joseph?  What are some everyday, practical examples of how you can be more like Joseph?