Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lesson 3 - The Chosen People

Share with the rest of the class in a paragraph about a time when you were chosen or not chosen for something. This could be a position in school, a spot on a particular sports team, a job, club officer, anything related to being chosen or not. How did it make you feel? Why do you think you were chosen or not?


  1. so when i was trying out for soccer negrete put us to the test he tested our stamina, our ability, our speed, and every other thing that you need to be able to play soccer. so the day of the first game he told me that i should be on the practice squad, but Coach Polo believed that he could improve my skills so that i would be able to play better for future years on the team. i felt good that Coach Polo saw some potential in me it made me feel good, it made me want to improve my skills so that one day in the future i will play more in games

  2. Honestly, my eighth grade year has been my hardest year. I struggled academically, and would always get distracted easily in times I needed to do my best. But as the year progressed, I realized that you could graduate from elementary/middle school only once. I learned that what I can do today, to NOT hold it off for tomorrow. I started studying harder, and made a commitment to always do my best. I started improving, and eventually, I was two times better than what I expected of myself in the beginning of the year. When it was time for me to graduate, I was surprised when the principal announced that I was the valedictorian. I felt proud of myself, and it was really a confidence booster. I felt that all my hard work finally paid off. I was so happy I was chosen to be valedictorian.

  3. When i was in elementry school, i was chosen to be a member of students association. I was really happy and felt proud of myself. Also, i felt like, i was respected and trusted. During the school days, i worked very hard to do a good job in the student association, and at same time, i tried my best to be a good student. Because i was chosen so it made me feel i had to be good enough to show those people who voted for me. Even though it made me tired, but i felt happy everyday.

  4. This is a choosing that we've all been chosen to do. God has chosen us all to live on this planet from which he has made for us. He wants us to live this life to love one another, and to of course, love Him. God wants you all to be happy and to live life to the fullest, respecting Him and letting Him in your heart. This is the best choosing we were all invited to, so everyone, live life as epically as possible.

  5. some people is lucky. another people is not. god is fair. nobody is zero! If no one believes in you, anything you do is a positive. i remember when i tried-out JV basketball team last year, i knew everyone could be better than me. i didn't give up! i just practiced, practiced, shooting and basic skill. but coach told me you were kicked out. you should go to study that's important for you. that would be sad. but its not big deal. I just think they didn’t see the talent that I had. if god closes a door, that would open a window for you! you were chosen or not, its just another new beginning. go to enjoy new life. keeping move on!

  6. Two years ago, one day at church, I was approached by the lady in charge of the bulletin. She said that she wanted me to tell the Children's story. I thought only adults did them. I was pleased that someone thought that I can do it. But at the same time was reluctant because I don't like speaking in front of people. I tried to politely refuse. But she wouldn't take no for an answer. She said that she was impressed with my behavior, also said that I have talents and would be fine telling the story. I was surprised that someone I really didn't know well had noticed me. My parents were impressed too by the good report.
    So, I finally did tell a story. I was very nervous. And when I was done, I thought that was probably my last. But she told me that she would like for me to do it more often.

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  8. In 8th grade, i ran for Vice President. I didn't win, but I didn't feel that bad about losing. I respected my classmate's decision with choosing Nicole, because they knew what they wanted. Sure, I was bummed that I didn't win, but I didn't let it get to me. I know I'm not gonna get chosen for everything, but I know that the stuff I do get chosen for is what they think I can do to the best of my ability. From what I figure, most big things happen for certain people, at the time that is most right for people. So what I believe is that if you don't get chosen for something, God just has different plans for you. I mean, I wasn't expecting to win Secretary for class office this year!

  9. I was chosen to take a video to introduce our school when I was in China, it is the most nervous time I have ever have. I really love this chance, in about three thousands people, our chose me to do this. I search many information and do many work about it. I feel the trust of all the teachers and the students. It is my pleasure to be chosen to represent our school. I tried my best to do it. Although it take me many time to practice it, I still feel happy.

  10. When I was in 8 grade, I was chosen as a monitor, in the class, I was glad to do it. And I felt like teachers and classmates were believing me, that felt really great. At that time, I thought the monitor was so cool that I could do what ever I want in our class, but I was wrong. Couple weeks later, I found that Monitor was not that easy to do, because I had so much responsibility to take care of anything in my class, which is busy and overanxious. I had to spend much more time in for working. When my friends were playing, I could just finish teachers mission and play after. So I thought that teachers and classmates chose me as a class monitor was giving me a chance to set up the responsibility.

  11. For our second quarter mission project, I did a sermon. I originally wouldn't have chosen to do a sermon, but I was asked to present one at my church. I was more glad than nervous when I was asked to. At the same time I felt a little burdened because of the planning that would have to follow, but I accepted the invitation anyway. On the day of my sermon, I wasn't very nervous. I was pretty happy to do it because I knew it was the Lord's work. After everything was over, I felt accomplished that I had completed an important task. I knew God had chosen me to do His work.

  12. I remember a time when i was a small boy. Others were picking a people to be on there team, yet i was not chosen so i went to the other team that had to pick me. At that time i didn't really understand. I was kinda of mad at the situation. As i matured i understood that the world doesn't revolve around me. Also i learn that its not all bad being last. I learn to accept the fact and face it.

  13. I remembered last year, Miles and Principal were about to go to China. They wanted to recruit new students from China. So they asked several Chinese students to make a simple introduction about life in America. He will film them. I was asked to say something about school. I was really nervous when I knew that. I didn't know what I should say. I asked Miles for help. But he just said that I can say everything, everything about school, about myself, about life. At first I thought a lot of things. However, I didn't get the main point. Then I was thinking why Miles wanted me. So I knew I can use my words to express a vivid America study life. I can let students in China know it is a good choice to study in America.

  14. I rarely get chosen for anything. Whether it involves sports, school, or church. I remember not being chosen for P.E. or a basketball team or for secretary. I used to feel like I wasn't as great or talented as everyone else. I was negatively pulling myself down. I'd get jealous or frustrated. I didn't realize I was chosen to do awesome things for the glory of God. NOT for the satisfaction of ourselves. I was chosen to be an example to ones who don't know about God and the second coming of Jesus Christ. I'm chosen to be with God in heaven. I can show God's love by encouragig people that they are GOD'S chosen people.

  15. I still remember the first time i tryout for JV basketball team at school. it was a long tryout week. Coach didn't let me in at the very began. I did give up, i still go to watch and try to join the team. Finally, Coach can let me join the team. Because i execute while, coach likes to play me and let me play the starter right now. I feel sad when coach told me i can't make the team. But i'm proud of myself because i never give up on myself.

  16. When i was in middle school (6th,7th&8th grade) I remember I'd would always try out for cheerleading every year Cause I always wanted to be a cheerleader since i was in elementary school. ~To be honesty every year id try out, I wouldn't ever get picked to be in the team, It was always my best friend that made it in the team every single year, I was literary piss, I felt like I had no talent or anything. Intel i realized in the end of 8th grade. . Probably cheerleading wasn't my thing. Their might be better stuff out there that I'm talented at, that god has for me. So I kept my head up high and stay positive.

  17. I remember the one time I was tryout for swimming team when I was in 5th grade. I would love to swim so I want to join the swimming team. The tryout for swimming is hard, I had to swim long distance in short time. The first time, I did not pass the tryout but I still keep my resolution. So practiced so hard and tried the second time. Then I was chosen by coach and I joined the swimming team. I felt happy and proud of myself.

  18. A couple weeks ago,i played piano for our chorale at whittier sda church. I was chosen to play 2 songs, but I messed up on the first one, so ms.lily said for me not to play the next song cause i didn't exactly watch her while she was conducting. so, that kind of discouraged me from still playing piano for chorale. but a couple days later, I apologized to her for not doing well. so she told me its okay, everyone makes mistakes, especially if your new at being a chorale pianist.she encouraged me when I needed it the most:) she recently encouraged me to play a new song, and I was able to preform the song art our recent performance at malibu sda church. I finally played the song well, and made ms.lily happy and proud. sometimes.we make horrible mistakes, but that is why God lets us have a second chance to fix it.

  19. When I was in 3rd grade, I ran for president of my class. In this time, I really loved this class, and I always liked to have some responsibility for my class. I was very interested in becoming the president of my class, so that I could lead my class. I prepared a lot of things to persuade my class for choosing me, and I think this was the most serious thing that I did in 3rd grade. However, some my friends also ran for president of my class, and they had higher grades than me so that made me discourage. My best friend understood me, and he supported me by some useful advices. One of his advices that I remember is "Never give up, and just do your best." This advice was not just me feel better, but this changed my thoughts that is about the life. In the day of voting, although I felt very nervous, I tried my best when I stand in the front of my class to persuade them. I felt I did my best, so I was proud of myself, and I did not care about the result. Finally, they voted for me to become the president of my class, and I felt very excited. In the position of the president, I always tried my best to do the good job, I though that make my class feel pleased when they chose the right person.

  20. When I was in 4th grade, I tryout for the Tchoukball team, at that time, I still don’t know how to play, but I choose to join the team. Later on, I became better on this sport, I am the starter for our school’s team, we play really hard and get the second place in that area. I think I was the best decision I had made.

  21. In Chorale, Mrs. Hunt chose Joseph Kim and me to play the violin solo for Pacem, a song the Chorale would occasionally sing in churches. Joseph and I would alternate playing the violin. Every other Sabbath, he would play the violin in Pacem and I would play the following Sabbath. I was thrilled that Mrs. Hunt chose me to play the violin solo—but I was also nervous. What if others thought I’m not good enough to play the piece? What happens if I mess up the whole song for them? I thought about this. But then, God made me ask myself a different question—“why do you think you were allowed and chosen to perform the violin solo in Pacem?” I realized that it was because she was giving me a chance to glorify God with my skills (if I even have any :P) so that others may be blessed through the song as God uses me as His own instrument. I was chosen because God had Mrs. Hunt choose me to play the piece and lift-up His precious, majestic name to His people.

  22. In 8th grade I ran for president and I didn't win.I'm glad I didn't because now I understand that was a difficult task that I wasn't ready for.

  23. Last year, in 8th grade, I ran for president with many of my friends. I had like 4 opponets and it was clear who wasnt gonna win. Also I didnt prepare myself for the actual campain and my speech, so I ended up not winning. Being not chosen for the position, I think was a good thing for me because I dont think I was ready for that position and do a good job at it.

  24. When I was in China my class election about class cadre. Teacher chooses me to be cadre about daily life. This is my first time to be a class cadre. I was not believed in one's own competence for the job. I was think chosen me is not teacher best chosen. I was thinking in my class have other one can doing this job better. I fought teacher. My teacher said, why I chosen you because you have more knowledge about daily life. I believed you. You can do this job better. I feel very happy. Gob can see never thing your strengths and your weaknesses.

  25. When I was in China, that was long time ago, I was in the primary school. One day in the class meeting, the teacher let me to be the class moniter. Although that was just two weeks, I still felt happy and I felt I will help the class.

  26. Before I was attending to SGA, I was study in a boarding school. I joined a wrestling team, and I love it. Wreaking became one oft favorite sports, eventhough I am not really good at it. I worked hard everyday. In the end of the season, I was end up in varsity team, and got most improved position.

  27. Before I was attending to SGA, I was study in a boarding school. I joined a wrestling team, and I love it. Wreaking became one oft favorite sports, eventhough I am not really good at it. I worked hard everyday. In the end of the season, I was end up in varsity team, and got most improved position.

  28. I still remember that the first time I was chosen by my family to play a song in piano in my cousin wedding party. I was super nervous when I realized I have to play piano in front of all the guests. I kept on practicing everyday before the wedding party and I knew that it was a impressive moment for me to play for everyone in the wedding. Finally, because of the hard work of practice, I did a good job in the wedding party. After that, I get used to play piano in front of a lot of people, and I left a memorable moment for my cousin :)
