Sunday, January 22, 2012

Movie Questions Review

Joseph was treated unfairly in spite of being obedient and faithful to God in everything. If God chose Joseph and sent him dreams, why did his brothers betray him and why do you think Potiphar sent him to prison for doing nothing wrong?


  1. God let that happen because he had a special plan for him. God doesn't make bad things happen satan does. he knew Joseph's life and what was gonna happen because he had a purpose. he knew Joseph would become a great man and he would help the ruler of egypt during the famine. God knows what you are capable of and joseph was capable of organization that is why god let his life be that way so it could become joyous and good.

  2. I agree with Kevin that God had saved a special plan for Joseph through his whole life. His brothers were jealous because their father favored him the most and he got special treatment. He was educated while his brothers worked all day long. Potiphar sent him to prison because he probably couldn't believe that Joseph didn't lie about his wife. Plus, God wanted him in the prison so he could foretell the dreams of the two others so that the pharaoh will call him to interpret his dream later on and eventually choose Joseph to be the second-in-line ruler. All of those last events all lead him to be a powerful man who believed in the one, true God.

  3. God gave Joseph dreams as a gift. He loves Joseph, and had great plans for him. Yet, Joseph's brothers treated him unfairly. Jealousy controlled all of them. Joseph had everything all the other brothers wanted : their father's love. Joseph's brother's finally had it with him, and sold him to merchants. The merchants dragged Joseph to Egypt, and sold him as a servant to Potiphar. Potiphar liked Joseph, and trusted him. Then, Potiphar wife's told lies about Joesph. She said Joesph tried touch her, and she told Potiphar. Potiphar chose his wife over Joseph, and sent him to prison. Overall, Joseph's life was hard. Yet, through the tough times, he loved and trusted God.

  4. Joseph's brothers were very jealous of him because their father loved him best. They thought that if Joseph wasn't there then things will be better for them. So, they sold him. In Egypt, Joseph faithfully serves Potiphar. But Potiphar puts him in prison because of his wife. It is all unfair, but God was with Joseph.
    I'm sure God had a plan in mind all along. God knew there was going to be a famine and wanted to use Joseph to help his family and others to survive that famine.

  5. God chose and gave Joseph the gift of determining and understanding dreams. God really loved Jospeh, and had set out great things throughout his life. On the other hand, Jospeh's brothers didn't have that special gift. They were blinded by jealousy and sold their own brother for 20 pieces of silver. But I think God planned for Joseph to be sold as a slave, be sent to prison, and to interpret Pharoah's dreams because he wanted to test Joseph if he would still have absolute faith and trust in him. Personally I think Jacob shouldn't have shown favoritism to his sons. He should've loved all of them equally just like how God loves ALL of us. Overall, Joseph is a great example of true intelligence and purity. He was kind, smart, and had the ability to forgive his brothers who betrayed him. Honestly, If I were Joseph I'd have a hard time to forgive my brothers.

  6. In Romans 8:28 (NKJV) it says, ". . . we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose." This verse shows us that through all of the hardships and struggles Joseph experienced and faced, God allowed this to happen to Joseph so that he will be able to fulfill God's purpose. Joseph's brother's betrayed him because they were jealous--they knew that their parents favored Joseph over them. When the brothers were given the opportunity to get rid of their brother once and for all (or so they thought :P ), they sold Joseph into slavery--God allowed Joseph's brothers' choice to be a way for Joseph to be brought into the land of Egypt. In Egypt Joseph faithfully served Potiphar, but when he was falsely accused of harassing Potiphar's wife, he was thrown into dungeon. I believe the reason why God allowed Joseph to spend two years in prison is so that He can teach Joseph patience and strengthen his faith in Him for what he will have to face in the future. When we analyze the way God worked in Joseph's life, we can confidently repeat the promise that He fulfilled for Joseph and which He will fulfill for us today, ". . . we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose (Romans 8:28 NKJV)."

  7. God's gift to Joseph made his brothers very foolishly jealousy. Though, what they didn't know, God had a plan for him, but the person doing the bad was Satan, not God. That's the only thing Joseph misunderstood a little.

    The king threw him in jail because he didn't believe him, and felt betrayed. Both from him and his wife. Though, little did they know, this was part of God's plan.

  8. God has chosen Joseph because Joseph is different fron his brothers, God wants to know if Joseph is able to handle all those problems and to be the one that He has given the name to be respected and be blessed.
    I think Potiphar knows that it was not Joseph's bad, Joseph has done nothing wrong, but his wife. Potiphar loves his wife, and he couldn't let other people know that his wife betraied him because of a slave. So Potiphar sent Joseph to jail instead of accepting the truth.

  9. I think God puts trials or obstacles in our lives to make us stronger, because He has BETTER plans for us. By going through some hardships, it helps develop us. It makes us stronger physically and mentally. So... maybe thats why God but some rocks in Joseph's path. For an example...his brothers betraying him. Why did they betray him? Jealousy. Joseph was treated differently. He got the coat of many colors, didn't have to do hard labor, and it was obvious that his father showed more affection to Joseph. Why did Potiphar send Joseph to jail even after it was known that it was his wife who lied? Well, i have to agree on what Vicky said about how he didn't and couldn't accept how his wife betrayed him. Imagine your wife cheating on you... you would be upset of the wife, but you would take it out on the man-- you would be too disappointed of the truth, Potiphar couldn't face it so the only way he thought would change it, would be by avoiding it. In the end, through the obstacles Joseph faced, it made him appreciate God even more. I think it also made him wiser, because try to imagine if he DIDN'T go through his hardships..i dont think his character would be the same.

  10. Joseph's brothers betrayed him because they were jealous of him. Jacob obviously favored Joseph way over his other 11 brothers. But I guess God allowed it to happen, so that later, Joseph can not only be secure in his faith in God, but also so that he'd be able to show he's a good person. I think Potiphar sent Joseph to prison because mainly, Joseph was still a slave. No matter how much he liked Joseph, he couldn't favor a slave over his own wife. That would have been really bad for his reputation. Plus like what Jasmin & Vicky said, he probably couldn't believe that his wife would do something like that. Because... well, she's his wife. Wives were supposed to cater to their husband's will back in those days.

  11. I don't know why but God choose Joseph. Probably because Joseph was a good christian man. I believe Josephs brothers were jealous because Jacob favored Joseph out of all of the 11 brothers. Why didn't Jacob make coats for all of them. And I also believe Joseph was put in prison because the other two men had the dreams and Joseph and able to tell them what it meant. Just think about it how would have Joseph become second in command if he was never put in prison. Like Joseph God has a plan for all of you, your life might not be picture perfect but in the long run it will all be worth it.

  12. It was all part of Gods plan. God made different tasks and difficult situations for Joseph, one of them was his brothers loathing him and being jealous. They hated him enough to sell him. If that would have never happened Joseph would've never made it be second in command! If Jacob treated Joseph as fairly as the other boys... that would have never happened, and in the long run Joseph probably wouldn't have much faith in God.. even if he was a "Miracle Child" Also i think he was sent to prison because, if Potiphar hadn't sent him to jail... he would be believing Joseph over his own wife, and also it probably would have been a big scandal. -Cheyenne

  13. I think the reason why his brothers betrayed him is the ability of dreaming future. Because Joseph is chosen, his father loves him more than other brothers. His father made beautiful cloth for Joseph. His brothers are jealous him. Joseph has the ability of explaining dreams. That is a grift of God.
    The Potiphar wants to kill him at first, because he believes his wife. He thinks it is Joseph that did the wrong thing. But his wife stops him. So he knows it is his wife did wrong thing. However, he loves his wife. So he sent Joseph into the prison.

  14. I think Joseph's brothers betrayed him is because he has ability to see the future, tell the meaning of a dream, and he is smarter than others, so their father take more attention to Joseph and just tell other sons to work. Also another reason is because God give his a chance to go to Egypt. The Potiphar send Joseph into prison is because he can't believe his wife do something wrong.

  15. I think the reason that Joseph's brothers betrayed him is because they jealous of Joseph can dream about the future and they think he got all the love from their parent. They want to send Joseph away so that they can get more love from their parent, or God will chose another one to have the power. Although Potiphar finally knows that his wife did wrong thing, but he loves his wife, he can't believe that his wife betrayed him and don't want other people know this. So he decided to sent Joseph into the prison.

  16. His brothers were excited when they knew they would have a youngest brother named Joseph throughout the first part of story, but they found Joseph was different with them. Their parents loved Joseph more, and Joseph always said something would be happen in the future like that they will be a leader in their brothers. this is reason that brother betrayed Joseph because JEALOUS! Potiphar seems like to cover up his wife's fault. he sent Joseph to prison. everybody know Joseph did nothing wrong. however, i believe and trust God that was a test for Joseph. if you want to be a great, you have to experience some tough work!

  17. God tends to let bad things happen in our lives for a reason we will never understand. I honestly always wonder why God lets us suffer if he loves us. But I always try to remind myself that God ALWAYS knows whats best for me each and everyday. Joseph's brothers betrayed him because they were tired of Joseph getting all the attention and love from there parents. They were jealous of the way the parents treated Joseph. God allowed Potiphar to send Joseph to prison for 2 years because God wanted to teach Joseph to have full trust in God and also to have patience.

  18. God let Joseph's brothers to betray him because God knew if Joseph didn't somehow get to Egypt, there won't be any food anywhere in the 'world' during the famine. God also allowed Joseph to be sent to prison because He knew if Joseph was there to interpret the dreams for the baker and the cup barer, he would get the trust from the cup barer to tell Pharaoh that a man (Joseph) can interpret dreams.

  19. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him. They did not know of God's plan for Joseph. So they betrayed him. Potiphar obviously believed his wife over his slave but he was wrong. Joseph had done nothing wrong but he was still sent to prison. This was a test of faith for Joseph. Despite all his suffering he still believed God would help him. And God did. The moral of this story is that even though God's plan for you might not make sense right now if you have faith in Him, He will take great care of you.

  20. Why god gave Joseph dreams as a gift? Because god wants Joseph to doing something special in the future. His father treats him and his brother was different. He father loves he more than his brothers. His brothers are jealous him. Joseph to be sold be come slave. All things were in God plan. Potiphar like he, but he more love he wife. So he sent Joseph into the prison. He met two prisoners. Him was know he have something need to do.

  21. Joseph was chosen by God . God gave him power to see future. His brothers was jealous of that power so they betrayed him . Besides, Joseph was smarter than any of his brothers, so he got more attention of his Dad. God let that happen because , Joseph still had young thoughts , God gave him chances to go to Egypt to get more experiences. Joseph's master put him in the prison because he was confused.

  22. In my opinion, that is God's plan to train Joesph. Through jealous brothers and other difficulties, Joseph became more muture and had a chance to be aware of the world, and experience more. Potiphar puts Joseph into prison, because he trusts his wife. Bill Wang

  23. God chose Joseph and sent him dreams, so God also had a special plan with special things for Joseph’s life. Joseph’s brothers betray him and Potiphar sent him to prison for doing nothing wrong are special things of God’s plan for Joseph. If the life of Joseph did not have special things and these things were not difficult to overcome, that mean God did not choose Joseph because Joseph’s life was just like normal and there were nothing to say about his life.

  24. I think this is what God's plan. God want Joseph grow, until he can smart and strong enough to finish his "job". And God allowed Potiphar to send Joseph to prison for two years, because he can‘t endure his wife love others.

  25. Joseph was treated differently by his parents and his brothers, his parents kind to Joseph, but his brothers treated him harsh because of their jealousy. Since Joseph could predict the future from dreams, and his ability is given by God. Everything was happened in God's plan, every steps that Joseph followed were from God. Either his brothers betray him or the Potiphar sent him in prison, God had a plan for Joseph. By the way Joseph was faithful to God, he knows the truth of the future and can tell people's fate, that's how he soon promoted in Egypt.

  26. i think god let this all happen so that joseph would become the saviour of the isrealites because without him his rothers would of starved to death. so the reason of all of those things happened to him is merely the plan of God fulfilling itself

  27. I think everything happens for a reason and God doesn't show us why he allows certain things to happen to us, because maybe he knows that some of us would back out. If we knew all the bad things that were going to happen to us, then most of us would back out. We wouldn't want to do it. God has special plans for all of us, and for Joseph it was going to Egypt and interpreting the Kings dreams. Imagine if Joseph would've never been sold by his brothers, Egypt wouldn't have survived. God gave Joseph a special gift, which Joesph,at first, didn't think was so special. It took Joseph a while to finally figure out what his special gift was. I also think that God allows bad things to happen to us because he wants to test our faith. Sometimes a person could even expand their faith, in a way that we couldve never imagined. Joseph was betrayed and it hurt him, but God protects his children and doesn't give them any hardship that He knows, we can't handle. God loves us!

  28. God had everything planned for Joseph, He knew that Joseph was going to be the one that was going to save his family and many more from starvation and much more. God made Joseph prosper. Therefore his brothers betrayed him because God had it planned for it to happen. Potiphar sent him to prison because , God wanted to demostrate the love He had for him, because if Joseph would have no gone to prison he would have not of interpertated the dreams of the baker and the cupbearer , therefore Potiphar wouldnt have known that Joseph was able to interpret dreams through God, and if Potiphar would have not known that Joseph was able to interpret dreams Potiphar would have not putten Joseph in the position of greatness and of great power of Egypt.

  29. God gives Joseph a special power which is that he can see through the future during dreaming. his brothers betrayed him because they are jealous of him. his brothers don't have this special power and they didn't receive much love from their father, which joseph did. Therefore , they betrayed Joseph. Potiphar wants to cover up his wife's fault. although he knew that it was his wife's fault, he cannot send his wife to prison because he loves his wife. Therefore, he sent Joseph to the prison and cover up the truth.

  30. Maybe all of these events are God's plan.God thought Joseph was the right man,so he chose Joseph. His brothers betray him just because he has distinctive talents and is in favour with his parents.Maybe God hopes Joseph to go through the process of tempering himself and accumulating experience.

    I think Potiphar is clever enough to know it's not the fault of Jpseph.But he really love his wife,he just doesn't want to believe the treachery of his wife.

  31. Joseph was chosen by God. He possesses the power to interpret dreams. One of the dreams told him that he would rule over his brothers in the future, which did not please his brothers. Also, they were jealous of the attention and affection given to Joseph by their father. Thus, they sold Joseph to slavery. He was sold to a man named Potiphar, who treated him pretty well. But, one day, Potiphar accused Joseph of seducing his wife. Potiphar decided to trust what his wife said. Although Joseph did nothing wrong, he was sent to prison. I believe God chose Joseph, like Jesus, for a reason. The trials and tribulations Joseph went through made him what he was and what people will still remember him as today, a savior.


  32. God has chosen Joseph, and give him a special power that can know the future from dreams. I think Joseph's brothers betrayed him is because he has ability to see the future, tell the meaning of a dream, and he is smarter than others, so their father take more attention to Joseph and just tell other sons to work. Potiphar knows that it was not Joseph's mistake, Joseph has done nothing wrong. Potiphar loves his wife, and he couldn't let other people know that his wife betraied him because of a slave. So Potiphar sent Joseph to jail instead of accepting the truth.

  33. I think Joseph's brothers betrayed him because he has the ability of dreaming future. He is smarter than his brothers, so his father loves him more The Potiphar wants to kill him at first, because he believes his wife and he love her. He thinks it is Joseph that did the wrong thing,but the true is his wife betrayed him.So he decided to sent Joseph into the prison.

  34. Joseph's brother are showing us how the human being are because some people will betray someone by getting thing they want to get. God chose Joseph and ask him to do anything. Joseph has to be obeying because he is the one who God wants him to be the leader. Joseph did nothing wrong but his wife cheat on him. God wants to experience him and let him learn from everything he did and everything happened around him.

  35. The reason that Joseph's brothers betrayed him was that they jealous the way that how's their father treated Joseph. I think that God wanted Joseph to face the hardest challenges of life, which was all his brothers chose to betray him and sent him to prison for doing not thing wrong. God not only giving Joseph challenges, but also let him to have dreams of future and knew the meaning of dreams. All this can make him to become stronger in his life.
